What’s your gut got to do with it?

Have you ever heard the old sayings “Go with your gut.” or “I’ve got that feeling in my gut.”?  Our gut contributes much more to our overall health and well-being than we give it credit for most days.  Our gut is so important that it has been labeled as the “second brain”.  The gut gets this label because it has over 100 million neurons, more than the peripheral nervous system or spinal cord.  So why do we neglect the signs and systems of poor gut health?  Most likely, it is because the general population does not know they are experiencing poor gut health. 

              The side effects of poor gut health can be far reaching.  In fact, over 80 autoimmune diseases can be linked back to poor gut health.  Many physicians and even specialists often do not treat the gut as a contributing factor but only the “symptoms” of the disease.  Poor gut health has also been linked to mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.  Did you know that 50-60% of your body’s dopamine levels are created in the gut (SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN)?  Neurochemicals within the gut influence both mood and other body systems (AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION). 

              According to Healthline, there is a power in the number of 7 when assessing for signs and symptoms manifested from poor gut health as well as how to begin healing the gut.  Educate yourself on a few of the most prominent signs of poor gut health.  These may include, but are not limited to, upset stomach or GERD, excessive sugar cravings, unintentional weight changes, sleep disturbances or chronic fatigue, skin irritations, and food intolerances.  So you may be thinking, “Well I have several of these so what can I do?” The answer is to start somewhere!  Here is a list of 7 effective strategies to begin addressing gut health:  lowering the stress level, get enough sleep, eat slowly, hydrate, take a prebiotic and/or probiotic, whole food nutrition, and monitor for food intolerances through logging foods and reactions. 

              Does all of this sound overwhelming?  Don’t know where to begin?  Well I am here to tell you I can solve that for you.  As a FASTer Way To Fat Loss Certified Coach and Integrative Health Practitioner, I can help you formulate a plan specific to your body to begin the healing process.  Do not wait another day suffering!  Take back your health so that you can take back your life!

Feel free to contact me via email at health@holistichealthwithtara.com for more information on the programs that I offer to help you heal from the inside out. 

Tara S. Prater, OTR/L, NDTC, FASTer Way To Fat Loss Certified Coach, Personal Trainer, and Integrative Health Practitioner


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