The Power of Emotions

You know those people that just reek negativity!  We all immediately picture THAT person or persons in our lives don’t we.  That person that can turn the best day into one developed by Negative Nancy herself.  Ugh!

Did you know that negative attitudes and feelings can create chronic stress, which in return upsets the body’s hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages your immune system?  Whew that’s a lot!  

So whether you are that Negative Nancy person or are around those type of people on a regular basis it is important to recognize the thoughts and emotions and be aware of their effects.  Chronic stress and negative emotions also can shorten your life span.  

Poorly managed anger, resentment, or hurt is also related to a huge list of health conditions such as but not limited to:

  1.  High Blood Pressure

  2. Cardiovascular Disease

  3. Digestive Disorders

  4. Infections

To offset negative emotions you need to experience three positive emotions for every negative one.  If this is a chronic issue for one of my clients, I recommend they actually set a timer daily to refresh their positive mindset and intentionally remind themselves of positive aspects in their life.  Positive emotions literally reverse the physical effect of negativity and help us flourish.  

If you need help being intentional about positive emotions try these suggestions:

  1.  Start and end each day with gratitude.

  2. Do something nice for someone else

  3. Work on not allowing others negative emotions to impact you

  4. Listen to uplifting music throughout your day

What are some intentional positivity building strategies you implement daily?


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